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How to Get Trending on DexScreener - Comprehensive Guide


How to Get Trending on DexScreener

Discover actionable tips to push your token to the top of the DexScreener trending list. From community engagement to micro-buys and reaction boosts, our tools and strategies will help you stand out and attract investors.

DexScreener Trending

Why Trending on DexScreener Matters

DexScreener ranks tokens based on factors like trading volume, user interest, and real-time reactions. Getting featured in their trending list can drastically boost token credibility, increase new holder count, and drive organic market momentum.

Maximum Exposure
Landing in the trending section puts your token in front of a massive audience. This visibility can catch the eyes of both retail and institutional investors.
Higher Trading Volume
As more users discover your token, trading activity often surges. Consistent volume builds trust among potential investors and strengthens your market position.

5 Steps to Get Trending

According to the official DexScreener docs, here’s what influences a token’s spot on the trending list.


Community Engagement

Motivate your community to visit your token’s DexScreener page, post updates, and share your charts. High user engagement draws more eyes to your project.


Reactions & Sentiment

Positive reactions (🚀, 🔥) boost visibility, while negative ones (💩, 🚩) can stall progress. Encourage your holders to interact with DexScreener’s reaction feature regularly.


Trading Volume

Substantial volume signals strong demand. Use our Rank Booster or Solana Volume Booster to amplify volumes and gain rapid attention.


Price Movement

Tokens that exhibit dynamic price swings tend to attract traders looking for quick opportunities. Keep your marketing consistent to maintain hype.


Marketing & Partnerships

Collaborate with influencers, launch social campaigns, and foster a strong community. The more exposure you generate, the higher your token climbs.

Rank Booster: Micro-Buys at $0.01

Amplify your ranking on DexScreener by using small but frequent purchases, giving the impression of consistent, organic buying pressure.

Why Micro-Buys Matter
Our Rank Booster tool executes multiple purchases as small as $0.01 up to 20,000 times or more, simulating real investor activity. This flurry of trades can rapidly catapult your token to the top of DexScreener’s trending charts.
Achieve #1 Trending
The Rank Booster increases the number of transactions on your token, which DexScreener views as heightened community interest. Before you know it, your project can appear in the coveted #1 spot, gaining huge market traction.

Solana Volume Booster

For more significant transaction sizes, our Solana Volume Booster executes random buy orders between $200-$800. This ensures trading activity looks legitimate while driving up overall volume.

Realistic Transactions

We randomize each buy to mimic real investor behavior, eliminating suspicious patterns. It’s perfect for projects wanting to maintain a credible on-chain footprint.

Fast & Effective

Watch your token’s volume surge and holder count rise. Combined with strong community marketing, the Solana Volume Booster is a proven method to trigger organic hype.

DexScreener Reactions

The emojis (🚀, 🔥, 💩, 🚩) on DexScreener pages help gauge public sentiment. Encourage holders to leave positive reactions to improve your ranking.


Symbol of fast growth and bullish sentiment.


Represents high interest or “hot” project status.

Pile of Poo

Suggests negative feelings, best mitigated quickly.

Red Flag

Signals caution—avoid these by maintaining transparency.

Frequently Asked Questions

Curious about DexScreener’s trending mechanism or our booster tools? Browse these FAQs for more info.

How do micro-buys help my token trend on DexScreener?
A high number of transactions signals strong market participation. Even small trades create a buzz, attracting attention from traders and DexScreener’s algorithm alike.
Are these boosts safe and detectable?
We use advanced methods to simulate organic buying activity and randomize transaction amounts. Our goal is to keep your token's order book realistic and avoid suspicion.
What if my token is on another blockchain?
While the Solana Volume Booster is tailored for Solana, we offer similar volume boosting solutions for other chains. Contact us to discuss specific requirements.
Can reactions really influence my ranking?
Yes, DexScreener pays close attention to community sentiment. More positive (🚀, 🔥) reactions can help increase your token’s visibility on the platform.
Where can I learn more about DexScreener's methodology?
Visit the DexScreener Docs for detailed info on their ranking and trending metrics.

Ready to Dominate DexScreener?

Combine strategic micro-buys with realistic volume generation to climb the charts. Click below to connect with our bot and unlock your token’s potential.